The new Alan Munson solo album, “ABOUT TIME”, is a compilation of 13 previously unreleased songs that Alan wrote and recorded in the mid to late 1970’s. The songs on this album should have been released to the marketplace long ago.
ABOUT TIME is now available for purchase as a Limited Edition CD on the Bandcamp site, and ships worldwide. The album is also available on Bandcamp as high quality WAV, FLAC, MP3 digital downloads. You can check out the full album at: https://alanmunson.bandcamp.com/
The album is also available at all Disk Union record stores in Japan and through their website: https://diskunion.net/rock/ct/detail/1008566690
Early Press Reviews:
…. On About Time, his new album, Alan sounds as liberated and restless as ever capturing the outsider in his most prolific era of songwriting. The album, a collection of recordings selected from various recording sessions in the 1970s, stands out in his catalogue as being his most confident and adventurous. Throughout his formidable career that has stretched nearly 5 decades, Alan Munson has continued to make thoughtful, beautiful, and down-right rockin’ folk-rock that has kept the spirit of 70’s, Easy Rider-style, open-road freedom alive and well.
– Jiah Carron – Harbinger Magazine
… “About Time,” is a terrific album. All of the songs are well-crafted, and it is a great listen. Alan is clearly a skilled musician, vocalist and sound engineer who is in full control of his sounds, and fluent in their instrumentation and delivery. It is his songwriting, however, that sets him apart from the pack and has made his music so enduring. Great songs will transcend time and genre. This is what makes Alan’s music feel so personal to so many.
– Mark Duda – Recording artist, Co-Host of the Clubb Tracks TV show – Toronto, Canada
At last, the long awaited new solo album release from Alan Munson, “About Time”, is finally here! Alan is a wonderful melody maker and the About Time album includes mellow songs, great vocals and beautiful guitars. It is a finished masterpiece that his fans will enjoy.
– Hisao Kawada – Disk Union Tokyo, Japan
Album Details:
** All lead and backing vocals performed by Alan Munson. All instuments on the album played by Alan Munson, except lead guitar on You Never Know and Returning To The Flame performed by Bill Cooley.
**All songs written and arranged by Alan Munson (ASCAP)” ” (c) (p) ALMMUSIC / ALM MUSICMEDIA PUBLISHING”
** Album Release Date …. December 1, 2022